Dan Highbrown

— A super simple and stylish single page portfolio
Dan Highbrown

The portfolio website of product designer Dan Highbrown keeps things simple — it's just a rotating selection of videos of his app design work, with the bare essential details of who his is and where he works.

The page loads with a big 'high' animated text loader. The black and pink slaps.
The page loads with a big 'high' animated text loader. The black and pink slaps.
Then you're treated to a slowly scrolling collection of his app design work — you can scroll, or grab the videos to progress through.
Then you're treated to a slowly scrolling collection of his app design work — you can scroll, or grab the videos to progress through.
There's some nice little details, like this animated hand-drawn portrait that goes to his LinkedIn profile, or these moody static images when you hover over his name and place of work.
There's some nice little details, like this animated hand-drawn portrait that goes to his LinkedIn profile, or these moody static images when you hover over his name and place of work.
Dan Highbrown
Featured January 6, 2025
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