Anton Reponnen
A 'personal design encyclopedia' showcasing a vast collection of creative work.
A 'personal design encyclopedia' showcasing a vast collection of creative work.
A clean portfolio with beautiful typography and great work set nicely on a grid.
A minimal one-pager with easy to digest projects and nice use of sticky sections.
An impressive one pager that focuses on Kevin's story, inspiration and what frames his process.
A stunning and perfectly executed minimalist horizontally-scrolling timeline portfolio.
A stylish portfolio that does a great job of teasing password protected case studies.
A beautifully executed portfolio with amazing micro-interactions and in depth case studies.
A fresh, modern and versatile portfolio that showcases Charlota's creativity.
A slick, minimal creative development portfolio with engaging interactions and glitchy vibes.
Beautifully arranged and full of great work, Matt's constantly evolving portfolio showcases the dedication to his craft.
A stunning portfolio packed with fun micro-interactions, brilliant writing... and a 3D Llama.
A fresh and crisply styled portfolio with really detailed and well-structured case studies.
A weird and wonderful personal site with a cool paper-shuffling navigation.
A beautifully styled, eco-friendly portfolio website that's full of character.
A sophisticated, beautifully considered and minimalist design portfolio.
A refreshingly simple portfolio concept – a 'best of' collection of demos shared on Twitter.
A simple, stylish portfolio that shows off a lot of great work, quickly.
A single page portfolio that's packed with character and lots of fun details.
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