Deeo Studio
— A dark and stylish design studio portfolio websiteDeeo Studio's portfolio site has a great structure — the home page isn't too long and quickly hits all the key pieces of content: a concise intro, featured projects, service and background info. It's easy to digest and not too much to read.
The hero section has fun draggable 3D type that lets you move the letters around to create a cool effect.
The work section displays the featured projects clearly, with nice videos that show a range of work around each brand.
There's some more cool interactive effects, like the way this about section fades in from the full-opacity profile image.
I liked this old-school 90's photo showing how long the cofounders have known each other!
The case studies are really great — presenting each project as a detailed story and going deep on the process behind the work.
Featured February 23, 2025
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