— A bold and playful brand design portfolio websiteJkane is a branding design portfolio website from the super-talented Jordan Jenkins. It's got a great bold look to it and some fun little interactive details — like the smiley face mouse cursor that reacts to clickable elements.
Jordan does a great job of letting his illustrative style shine through on the website design, and everything feels sleek, polished and well-balanced.
The featured projects have plenty of real-estate and present the main logo simply.
I like the expandable areas in the services section — providing a top level summary but letting you drill down to get more context.
The profile section features a sick illustrated portrait, and the text does a great job of explaining his background and adding some character.
The case study pages lead with a thorough description of the project, then hit you with a wall-to-wall grid of beautiful work to scroll through.
I love the footer — a simple and straight to the point call to action. The 'up' button is a fun little detail too!
Featured December 18, 2024
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