Spencer Gabor
— A super fun illustration portfolio that focuses on the visualsSpencer's portfolio website is clean and beautifully executed — all the interactions feel really smooth and polished, and the overall vibe fits so well with his work.
There's plenty of white space to give the work room to breathe, and a heavy focus on presenting the visuals: the website interface gets out of your way so you can appreciate the work on show — just as it should be for an illustrator!
The circular featured work carousel feels really unique and works perfectly when you drag.
Each piece of work opens a lightbox with a grid or single images so you can see the details in all their glory.
I love this interaction with the footer as you scroll down — it expands into a full-height Contact link.
You get the the About page via a quirky little avatar in the top right corner.
And a nice little bonus feature here — you can switch between a range of color palettes to transform the look of the site, nice!
Featured December 12, 2024
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