
— A beautiful company portfolio website using organic shapes and hover effects to immerse you in their work

14islands' site leads with an auto-playing video, which opens a sleek showreel video when you click it – allowing them to quickly show off a large range of their work and get you hooked to explore further.

Showreel video

The rest of the home page is dedicated to listing their projects, arranged in a grid layout. The hover effect is really cool, with an organic 'blob' following your cursor and changing to an accent color that pairs with each project.

Work grid layout
Work grid layout

Each case study starts with a clear, concise summary of the project and what they did, set on an accent color to clearly separate each one.

Case study intro
Case study content

The case studies are detailed: with plenty of text to explain what they achieved, and plenty more stunning visuals of the work itself, presented in a variety of layouts that work really well.

Case study content

Here's a really nice subtle detail – this little statement at the top of the page acts as the menu, with the underlines changing as you navigate.


The organic blob shapes carry throughout the site and all of its micro-interactions, creating a consistent vibe wherever you go. It's used really nicely on the team section to reveal a little bio for each person.

Team section

And here's another one for the badass footers collection – as you reach the bottom of the page, the cursor changes to a pencil allowing you to scribble underneath the content.


The footer also reveals another hidden gem: the Lab page, a place to keep all their experiments and passion projects. Nice!

Lab page
Featured May 4, 2023
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