Jordan Gilroy

— A great stylish digital design portfolio with well-presented project case studies
Jordan Gilroy

Shoutout to fellow Yorkshire-man Jordan's portfolio site, which does a great job of communicating his skills.

Intro text

He kicks things off with a super clear, buzzword-free introduction of what he does.

Featured work

There's a nice effect with large type to break up the page, and the featured projects sliding up over the top.

Dribbble section

I really liked this Dribbble section – a great way to show quick visual snippets of current work and get an idea of his style without having to dig too far.

Work list page

The main Work page has a nice minimal list of projects, with gorgeous full-screen imagery showing up on hover.

Case study intro

The case study pages are great – just enough text to give a good insight into the project, but not too much that it becomes boring to read.

Case study work

The work is presented beautifully, with lots of variety to the layouts and well-sized images to make it easy to see the details of each design.

Case study work

Jordan's Profile page does a good job of adding some more detail about his background, and the Insta section is a nice touch to show some personal photography and add some character.

About page
Featured October 11, 2022
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