Liz Klein DiBello

Liz Klein DiBello portfolio

An epic one-page site with charming, varied project layouts that keep you scrolling down.

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Liz’s site kicks off with a really bold intro – at first I thought covering up the copy with those organic shapes was a bad move… but once you start to play around it becomes oddly satisfying to uncover the text.

Scrolling into to the projects section

Scrolling down you get straight into the projects, with the details locking in nicely at the top of the page.

Project section

The projects have a nice varied layout to keep things interesting – sometimes a grid, sometimes full width, sometimes animated. The change in background color between projects helps you immerse yourself in the work.

Varied project layouts

Last but not least, the simple Contact section at the end of the page rounds things off really nicely.

Contact section
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