Study Hall

Study Hall portfolio

A smooth scrolling, easy to digest portfolio site with some charming details.

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A strong introduction

Study Hall’s home page intro works great – the pairing of font styles and use of color gives an interesting creative appearance, whilst still being easy to read. The badges floating with your mouse movement add a lovely dash of playfulness.

Project presentation

The home page has a nice organic layout of projects, keeping things interesting with the definitions of ‘study’ and ‘hall’ mingled in. The Work page itself keeps things nice and simple, making it easy to get straight to it.

Home page projects listing

Case studies

Study Hall’s case studies are really easy to digest – short and to the point text, and heavy on visuals – quickly giving the viewer a sense of the visual styles they can offer.

Case study layout

About page

Adding another splash of playfulness – the unique 3D portrait rollover effect on the team info section is a super cool detail.

Study Hall's team section

I love a nice bold statement footer – there’s a great slide-in effect synced with your scroll to round off the page.

Slide-in footer
Liz Klein DiBello portfolio

An epic one-page site with charming, varied project layouts that keep you scrolling down.

Studio Sentempo portfolio

Big, bold, playful typography and really well executed smooth scrolling make this site a joy to explore.

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