Standard Projects

— A modern, minimal design portfolio that does a great job of focusing on the work
Standard Projects

Standard Projects' site lands on a full-screen video highlight reel, quickly chopping between different projects and giving a great first impression with the beauty of work on show.

Full-screen highlight reel

The website is a joy to browse, with the clean text and interface communicating information clearly... but 'getting out of your way' so you can focus on the imagery: lots of white space, simple unfussy buttons, and text in varying shades of gray.

Minimal interface

The Work section lists out their featured projects in a grid - some have videos, and others have multiple images you can flick through to quickly get a feel for each project.

Project listing

The case studies are very well structured: the intro has a minimal title and tagline, leaving space between the first image so it prompts you to scroll down to see the whole thing.

Case study intro

The content is led by the visuals – beautifully selected and laid out in a varied grid to keep things interesting.

Project visuals

At the bottom of each case study is a full description of the project with more backstory and details about the work. It's nice to see credits for the team members and collaborators who worked on the project.

Project details

The Studio page follows the minimal vibe of the rest of the site, with clear and easy to digest sections of copy to explain more about the company and their approach to design.

Studio info

This section particularly caught my eye for its clear communication – rather than picking a random image to represent each part of their service offering, these boxes are left black and stripped back to the core information.

Studio info
Featured November 29, 2022
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