Ander Agency

Ander Agency portfolio

A bold, fun agency landing page with lovely scrolling storytelling.

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Ander Agency’s site does a great job of framing the problem clients face in choosing a design agency, taking the visitor through their solution in an epic scrolling one-pager.

Scary bleeding type

The attention to detail here is awesome – check out this bleeding ‘scary thing’ type that drips as you scroll to it.

Design process

They walk you through their design process with beautiful, engaging designs for each section that show off their talents.

Design process cards

They link out to Behance to show off their case studies – I love how the eye ball follows your mouse around the screen.

Case studies

And this call to action rounds off the page nicely: clear and simple copy, embellished with spinning iconography and scrolling text.

Call to action
Lukas Guschlbauer portfolio

A minimal, easy to digest one-pager making great use of sticky-positioned titles.

Nathan Riley portfolio

An infinite loop of imagery – a very simple concept, beautifully executed.

Killer Portfolio monthly(ish) digest

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