Arcade Labs

— A stylish and minimal portfolio site that presents the work quickly and feels super fast
Arcade Labs
Home page intro

Arcade Labs' home page has a really cool vibe, using a lo-fi font for the heading and a scrolling 'ticker' style feature when you hover over the key words – this creates a nice balance of modern vs retro.

Work grid

The grid of work, each with it's own slideshow, allows you to get a sense of their style and quality really quickly. It's fun to flick through all the images without having to go to a different page or read too much.

Work grid
Studio intro

The Studio page does a good job of explaining what they do, showcasing their values and sharing some of the company's personality.

These services cards are really cool, with a subtle gradient to add depth on hover.

What we do cards

It's always great to see a 'feed' page – a place to collect visuals from smaller projects and experiments, again helping to convey their creativity.

Experiments feed

The bottom of each page has a clear call to action and a cool, full-width outlined logo to ground everything.

Featured March 23, 2023
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