David Lubofsky

— A stunning portfolio packed with fun micro-interactions, brilliant writing... and a 3D Llama
David Lubofsky

David's home page is beautiful, with a bold headline and elements falling into place as it loads.

Home page projects

His projects are laid out really nicely in a staggered grid, with fun little graphic embellishments and cool semi-circle cutout images when you hover over each one.

About me video

This 'about me' video, shown at the top of the page and next to the call to action, is great – adding some personality and warmth and giving you an insight into David's design values.

Case study intro

The case studies are where this portfolio really shines – brilliantly structured and written, with a perfect balance between visuals and text.

Case study content
Case study content

Each case study feels like it's own story, painting a vivid picture of the work, passion and attention to detail involved in creating the work.

Case study content
Case study content

And finally – here's another one for the 'badass footers' collection – a huge 3D Llama that follows your mouse around. Sweet!

3D Llama footer
Featured February 21, 2023
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