Michael Wandelmaier

Michael Wandelmaier portfolio

A 'greatest hits' one-pager, making a strong impression without needing to show too much.

Visit Portfolio

I really like how Michael’s portfolio site shows off his impressive list of achievements in design, without having to ‘sell’ too hard.

About image carousel

A nicely arranged, sideways-scrolling group of images give us some insight into Michael’s working life, and transitions nicely into a clear, concise summary of who he is as a designer.

About image content

Keep scrolling down and we get a nice bold grid layout of projects. Super simple content here: one image + a one line description.

Projects grid

This gives off a confident vibe – Michael doesn’t need to go into too much detail with full case studies to come across as a professional and talented design leader.

Projects grid

A resumé of notable brands and projects rounds off the page, with cool use of sticky positioning on the titles as you scroll through the lists.

Brand and projects
MAD portfolio

A real love letter to product design – MAD's portfolio has so many fun details to explore.

Florent Biffi portfolio

A beautifully minimal portfolio, with a varied presentation of projects that works really well.

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