Michael Wandelmaier

— A 'greatest hits' one-pager, making a strong impression without needing to show too much
Michael Wandelmaier

I really like how Michael's portfolio site shows off his impressive list of achievements in design, without having to 'sell' too hard.

About image carousel

A nicely arranged, sideways-scrolling group of images give us some insight into Michael's working life, and transitions nicely into a clear, concise summary of who he is as a designer.

About image content

Keep scrolling down and we get a nice bold grid layout of projects. Super simple content here: one image + a one line description.

Projects grid

This gives off a confident vibe – Michael doesn't need to go into too much detail with full case studies to come across as a professional and talented design leader.

Projects grid

A resumé of notable brands and projects rounds off the page, with cool use of sticky positioning on the titles as you scroll through the lists.

Brand and projects
Featured July 25, 2022
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