Ordinary Things
— When the home page comes with a seizure warning, you know it's going to be interestingOrdinary Things' website opens with a brash, quick moving showreel of their visual work mixed in with animating logo type, giving a bold first impression – if you can stomach the flashing images for long enough!
Their project listing provides a stylish background image on hover, with a cool custom mouse pointer to add some character.
The case studies have a clear top section summarizing their role in the project and what they achieved.
They do a great job of presenting the visual work, with beautifully shot photo assets, and deep dives into the details of each project.
I really liked this 'recognition' section in the footer of the project – linking out to commentary from other sources to add weight to their achievements.
Their Info section does a great job of explaining who they are and what they do – covering everything in depth but making it easy to digest, highlighting their values and sustainability issues they're passionate about.
A nice extra touch – check out the 'Tooot?' page: hit 'remix' to alter the type and find bitesize chunks of their thinking and approach to business, as well as their office toilet choices!