Rauno Freiberg

— A cool 'operating system' style website with some lovely interactions, that presents projects simply
Rauno Freiberg

Rauno's site has been built around the concept of an operating system, with a familiar feeling dock and nice little interface sounds as you navigate around.

You land on a simple 'desktop background' with some atmospheric abstract imagery behind his logo.

Feed of projects

As you scroll, you see a side-scrolling feed of images representing projects, experiments and photography.

Dark mode

The dark mode is killer – really well-chosen tones that compliment the imagery, and the playful dock animation when you switch is really satisfying to click!

Projects page

The projects page is simple and to-the-point, linking out to each project's own website.

Photo page

The photography page is really well done, a full screen grid with the images sized just to right to appreciate.

Overall, a really nice implementation of this style of website. Also check out Marco Cornacchia and Brian Lovin if you want to go deeper into this OS style.

Featured October 27, 2022
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