
— A polished portfolio website with stunning illustrations and micro interactions

Sennep's site kicks off with a playful intro – the headline is manipulated by a creepily-long illustrated finger that straightens out the bottom line and adds some extra love!

Intro finger

I'm really digging the bold simplicity of the design – everything is spaced out into clear sections, making it easy to take in as you scroll through the page.

What we do

I like how the featured projects relegate the client / title in favor of a more interesting 'summary' headline that grabs your attention much more.


Everything scrolls with a bit of animation – but it's not too heavy or distracting and feels really natural.

I particularly like this transition between the top of a case study and the introduction text below, with a slight parallax scroll on the image and the text sliding up on an angle to lock into place.

Case study intro

The case studies are very well written, with a great mix of detailed explanations...

Case study content

... WIP designs and behind the scenes content...

Case study content

... and immaculately-presented final design work.

Case study content

Lovely animated illustrations are used on the About and Approach pages to accent the text content.

They also use some really well executed animated micro-interactions throughout the site – check out the hover effect on the menu icon and logo, and the finger pointing at the 'say hello' call to action.


The finger also makes a return in the main menu, pointing at each link as you hover – a really nice touch!

Featured January 7, 2024
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