
— A stunning portfolio site with a vast collection of work showcased in a diverse way

Whiteboard's site opens with a bold typographic statement of what they do, with some sneaky little previews of work hidden between the lines.

You can drag these out of their hiding places – a really nice way of immediately engaging the visitor with some interaction.

Hidden work previews

The home page is long and shows lots of projects in different ways.

Right below the intro they have a full-size section, pairing text with a striking background image. You can hit the 'load more' button to refresh this with another project.

Refreshable projects

The page then goes into more detail about how they help their clients.

This organic arrangement of images lets you quickly jump to a selection of projects – when you hover over each one there's a really cool full screen image takeover that adds more context.

Organix arrangement of work

Keep scrolling and you get a series of further case studies, combining beautifully shot photography, animation and video to lure you in.

Large case study images

Rounding off the work section, they also have a video showreel that you can watch instead of digging deeper into the case study pages.

This is playing in the background behind the text to give you a preview.

Video showreel

They also have a dedicated Work page with an index of all their projects, which can be filtered by type for the visitor to find the most interesting work for them.

The grid columns scroll at different rates to create a cool visual effect.

Work index page grid layout

Digging in to the case studies themselves, they do a great job of thoroughly explaining their role and telling the story around the project...

Case study story

... then follow that up with beautiful full-frame visuals – the quality of the work speaks for itself.

Case study images
Case study images

Let's finish off with one of my favorite little features - as you reach the bottom of the page, the full website menu is scrollable sideways.

Hovering over each link shows an immersive background image to give each section it's own vibe.

Sideways scrolling footer menu

There's so much to love about Whiteboard's website – check it out and see for yourself!

Featured August 9, 2022
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